Permanent Organizing Secretariat
Noema has supported some Scientific Societies since their birth, putting at their service its professionalism in order to achieve the objectives set, with an adequate cost-benefit analysis. Noema assignment included:
- The management of all the scientific activities of the Society.
- Members management
- Organization of training events (Courses and Congresses)
- Management and organization of assemblies and elections
- Drafting of minutes
- Coordination of the statutory bodies
- Management of relationships with suppliers (tax, legal and financial consultants, banks, insurance companies etc…)
ESPEN – European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
We are very proud to have become the Organising Secretariat in charge of managing the more than 3000 members of ESPEN – European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Since November 1st, 2020 and for the next 2 years we will also be responsible for the organisation of the webinars promoted by the society and the management of its social channels.
ESPEN, present in more than 65 countries worldwide, aims to encourage and promote research, education (both basic and advanced) and assistance in clinical nutrition and metabolism.
The aims of ESPEN are to encourage the rapid diffusion of knowledge and its application in the field of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition or, more broadly, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
Year 2018
ASTER is Emilia-Romagna Consortium for innovation and technology transfer serving companies, universities and the territory. Its members are Emilia-Romagna, the Universities, Institutions as CNR, ENEA, INFN which operates in the Region and the Chamber system. It promotes industrial research for sustainable economic development, in harmony with growth and social welfare and collaborates with business associations to develop strategies and synergies between research and business. ASTER has always been an innovation lab at national and international level and it works to make Emilia-Romagna a dynamic, inclusive and sustainable Region.
Since 2018
A.N.M.D.O – National Association of Medical Directors
The Association brings together Medical Doctors, has scientific purposes and provides legal and trade union protection. Main scientific purposes are: contribute to improving the Health Organization in terms of planning, company management, healthcare organization, welfare, administration (technology, safety policies etc.); promote Doctors’ technical and vocational education through congresses, seminars, meetings, training courses, management trainings; collaborate with national and international Institutions in the implementation of exiting provisions concerning Health and organizational procedures; hold cultural events aimed at healthcare professionals; invest in research, innovation and Continuous Medical Education, organizing programs and trainings for Continuous Medical Education (EMC) of Healthcare professionals (members or non-members) in Italy; print e distribute periodicals and publications related to the Association’s statutory tasks.
Year 2017
POIS – PeriOperative Italian Society
PeriOperative Italian Society – ERAS Italian Chapter, a Society whose aim is to promote minimally invasive surgery the improvement of the quality of live during the perioperative period. The Key points of the project are: multidisciplinary preoperative counseling and improvement of the patient’s conditions before surgery, elimination of invasive procedures that have no scientific validation in most surgeries, minimally invasive surgery, optimal postoperative pain control avoiding or limiting the use of opioids, early feeding and mobilization after surgery.
From 2016 to 2020
SINPE – Società Italiana di Nutrizione Artificiale e Metabolismo
Italian Society for Artificial Nutrition and Metabolism that brings together scholars and experts of clinical, artificial (Enteral and parental) nutrition and of metabolism. The Society aims to promote inter-disciplinary studies of clinical and artificial nutrition, of metabolism and the dissemination of knowledge and techniques.
From 2009 to 2014
WINFOCUS – World Interactive Network Focused on Critical UltraSound
Interactive Network Focused on Critical UltraSound, an international group of physicians and researchers from different specialties that aims to spread the use of ultrasound in critical situations or in remote areas and to train the staff on the basis of international quality standards.
From 1998 to 2006
IRC – Italian Resuscitation Council,
The Italian Resuscitation Council is an Association that purses, as main objective, the dissemination of culture and the organization of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Italy. It actively collaborates, sharing its objectives, with the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) in Europe, addressing the health and non-health world, in Italy.